

An Ancestry Coincidence Story

A couple of coincidence or synchronicity stories today, with thanks from JC.

Morchard Bishop village signAncestors Coincidence
Here's a couple of coincidences. The first one. About 10 years ago I first contacted my great aunt, who told me my father's great grandmother and her sister, Faith and Phoebe, had come from England, a small village called Morchard Bishop.

I phoned my sister, who had recently moved from America to England to tell her. Without knowing anything about these ancestors my sister had also named her two daughters Faith and Phoebe and had bought her house two miles from Morchard Bishop.

Another little one. When we were very little kids my brother and I were given silver dollars by a visiting guest. In a fight with him I threw his coin into the garden. In looking for the coin later that day a grown-up said take a rock and throw it where you threw the coin. I (a lousy throw) threw a rock and it landed on the coin, which popped into the air like a tiddlywink and I was able to find it.

~ JC

Other Coincidence and Synchronicity Stories:
A Message From Her Dead Father Coincidence
Coincidence Of The White Feathers From Her Sister
Money Folded Into Four Coincidence