Daniel's wife had died in childbirth and tragically just one day after his letter he was killed, his body never recovered amongst 60,000 other British casualties in July of 1916.
Daniel Clay's daughter was called Harriet and she had a son Maurice Green. Harriet died in 1995.
We now move forward in time to 2010. Maurice Green was looking round a market and came across a stall selling old bric-a-brac. He casually picked up an old bugle and noticed the numbers 132 but couldn't read the other part as it was so black and dirty.
Maurice said, "I spotted this battered old bugle, it was as black as soot but I noticed it's Army service number had the same first three digits as my grandad's. I couldn't see the other two digits because the bugle was so filthy. But something in me started shaking straight away.
As you will do doubt have guessed the bugle he had found was in fact his grandfather's and was lost in the trenches way back in WW1.
The full service number was 13292, the same number as he had on his treasured grandfather's medals.
Mr. Green paid the market stall holder £5 for this priceless, to him, piece of family history. He said, "I asked the stallholder where he bought the bugle from and he said it came from a house clearance but he couldn't remember when or where he got the bugle.
The important thing is that it has ended up back in the right hands in the end, in my granddad's family where it belongs."

He just wishes that his mother Harriet was still alive to have seen the bugle as she was so proud of her father and treasured the letter that was sent to her grandmother. The full letter read:
"I am writing this letter just behind the firing line and there is a terrible bombardment going on now. It will be hell upon earth before we have finished.
Dear Mother if it should be that my time has come, of which I trust not, just look after my darling little daughter. I am asking you this because we never know this may be my last letter. But don't get down hearted mother as I shall not be long before I let you hear from me.
I am pleased to tell you mother that I am going over with a good heart and quite confident that I shall get through it quite safe.
I shall have to close now mother, with my very best love from your ever loving and devoted son Dan.
P.S. Give my very best love to my darling daughter and tell her daddy is fighting for her sake and give her these for me xxxxxxxxxxxxxx."
Photo: Battle of the Somme, July 1 1916, the day after the letter was written.
This post was first published on my other blog 67 Not Out.
Other Coincidence and Synchronicity Stories:
Pilot Meets German Who Saved His Life In WW2
World War 2 Egg Custard Coincidence
Titanic Coincidence Stories
I love these stories about how objects return to their owners. But this one is startling.