

The Homing Pigeon eBay Coincidence

White homing pigeon

Here's a coincidence for you a friend said:

"I've sold my homing pigeon five times this year on eBay."

And with this he burst into hysterics. Strange bloke!

Some slightly better Coincidences:
The Lost And Found Happiness Keys Coincidence
Married Couple In The Same Photo As Children
Date On Her Boyfriends Baby Photo Was Her Birthday


Guided To The Football Ground By A Coincidence

Boy football soccer playerMy thanks to JC again for the following coincidence story. It's about asking for guidance from a 'higher level' and getting the request answered. It's also about trust or faith or belief. This post has previously been published on my other blog 67 Not Out.

On Saturday afternoon, November 21st last year, I planned to attend a football match in which two of my former students were playing (I'm a sports teacher at a Junior School). I told their families I would meet them before the game so that that we could watch the game together.

I left my home early as I wasn't too sure where the football ground actually was, it was about a 60 mile trip. As I joined the main A road, a car pulled out directly in front of me from a side turning. The driver didn't look in my direction or slow down. If I hadn't of reacted quickly, I would have collided with him.

The 'idiot' then settled down in front of me driving at a slow 30 mile-per-hour crawl in a 50 mph area. Cars began piling up behind me, but the road had double white lines so there was no way I could overtake him.

He eventually pulled off and I started driving faster to make up for lost time. I then remembered I was low on petrol, so I stopped at the next service station. I filled up and went into the shop to pay but the man in front couldn't get his credit card to work and it took, what seemed, ages before the transaction went through.

Eventually I got moving, but was frustrated at the time wasted.

Hurrying, I reached a roundabout roughly three-quarters of the way to my destination. I slowed down for a car coming from my right, as it had right of way. I immediately recognized the car as belonging to one the families I was planning to meet up with.

He didn't notice it was me and carried on along the road ahead. However, his son did see me and started to wave from the back window. This simplified my jouney as all I had to do was follow the car in front. My concern about finding the football ground vanished and we got there in good time.

In the end, therefore, everything worked out perfectly and the slow driver and the man with the credit card problem all helped to make it so.

One of the strange things is that before leaving home I asked the 'great unknown' to help me find the football ground without any difficulty. If I had put trust in this from the very start the delays on route wouldn't have frustrated and annoyed me. I should have realised that this was all part of the plan.

Further Coincidence Stories:
Speeding Car Chase Coincidence
The Wrong Tom And Jerry Coincidence
Baby Cousins Coincidence


Golfing Coincidence Humour

Two women-golfers

I was sent the following 'coincidence' story but I have seen it previously. As you'll see it's not a true story - at least I presume it isn't!

Two men are having a very slow round of golf because the two ladies in front of them managed to get into every sand trap, lake, and rough on the course, and they didn't bother to wave the men on through, which is proper golf etiquette.

After two hours of waiting and waiting, one man said, "I think I'll walk up there and ask those gals to let us play through." He walked out to the fairway, got halfway to the ladies, stopped, turned around and came back, explaining, "I can't do it. One of those women is my wife and the other is my mistress. Maybe you'd better go talk to them."

The second man walked toward the ladies, got halfway there and, just as his partner had done, stopped, turned around and walked back.

He smiled sheepishly and said, "What a coincidence!"

Coincidence Stories:
Squashed Coca-Cola Can Brought Them Together
A Money Problem Solved By A Coincidence
1899 Coincidence Club Coincidence


Coincidence Of Grandfather's WW1 Bugle Being Found On Market Stall

World War I bugleSoldier Daniel Clay wrote home to his mother just prior to the battle of the Somme in 1916 during World War I. In his letter he said, "... if it should be that my time has come ... just look after my darling little daughter."

Daniel's wife had died in childbirth and tragically just one day after his letter he was killed, his body never recovered amongst 60,000 other British casualties in July of 1916.

Daniel Clay's daughter was called Harriet and she had a son Maurice Green. Harriet died in 1995.

We now move forward in time to 2010. Maurice Green was looking round a market and came across a stall selling old bric-a-brac. He casually picked up an old bugle and noticed the numbers 132 but couldn't read the other part as it was so black and dirty.

Maurice said, "I spotted this battered old bugle, it was as black as soot but I noticed it's Army service number had the same first three digits as my grandad's. I couldn't see the other two digits because the bugle was so filthy. But something in me started shaking straight away.

As you will do doubt have guessed the bugle he had found was in fact his grandfather's and was lost in the trenches way back in WW1.

The full service number was 13292, the same number as he had on his treasured grandfather's medals.

Mr. Green paid the market stall holder £5 for this priceless, to him, piece of family history. He said, "I asked the stallholder where he bought the bugle from and he said it came from a house clearance but he couldn't remember when or where he got the bugle.

The important thing is that it has ended up back in the right hands in the end, in my granddad's family where it belongs."

Battle of the Somme July 1 1916
He just wishes that his mother Harriet was still alive to have seen the bugle as she was so proud of her father and treasured the letter that was sent to her grandmother. The full letter read:

"I am writing this letter just behind the firing line and there is a terrible bombardment going on now. It will be hell upon earth before we have finished.

Dear Mother if it should be that my time has come, of which I trust not, just look after my darling little daughter. I am asking you this because we never know this may be my last letter. But don't get down hearted mother as I shall not be long before I let you hear from me.

I am pleased to tell you mother that I am going over with a good heart and quite confident that I shall get through it quite safe.

I shall have to close now mother, with my very best love from your ever loving and devoted son Dan.

P.S. Give my very best love to my darling daughter and tell her daddy is fighting for her sake and give her these for me xxxxxxxxxxxxxx."

Photo: Battle of the Somme, July 1 1916, the day after the letter was written.

This post was first published on my other blog 67 Not Out.

Other Coincidence and Synchronicity Stories:
Pilot Meets German Who Saved His Life In WW2
World War 2 Egg Custard Coincidence
Titanic Coincidence Stories


Meeting In Venice Italy Coincidence

Venice Italy

My thanks to JC for the following coincidence story:

"Probably the biggest coincidence that's ever happened to me occured while I was traveling Europe with my best friend. We had just graduated high school and were traveling for our first time. We made it to Venice, Italy about halfway through our trip.

We were walking down one of those typical skinny Italian streets packed full of tourists, when we suddenly run into one of our best friends, Peter, who was traveling with his family.

We knew he was traveling somewhere in Europe, but had no clue where and had no plans to meet up because we were on a paid tour (and this was about a year before Facebook so we couldn't stalk each other's locations).

Then it got weirder.

After about five minutes of jumping and yelling in excitement, he tells us that he also just ran into two of our other very close friends Rio and Will, who were also traveling around Europe. Needless to say we all felt like we were in the Twilight Zone.

That night we all met up for beers on the waterfront soaking in the shock of five close friends randomly running into each other on the other side of the world. The picture we took when we first ran into Peter was, to this day, the only time I've ever seen Peter genuinely smile for a camera."

Other Coincidence and Synchronicity Stories:
A Message From Her Dead Father Coincidence
Mother And Daughter Unite By Unique Twist Of Fate
Afghanistan War Coincidence With The 1800s


1899 Coincidence Club Coincidence

1899 newspaper coincidence club cutting

Coincidences aren't a new thing! Here's one that was published in The Reading Eagle Newspaper on Thursday, October 26th, 1899. At the time there was something called the 'Coincidence Club' and this is one of the member's coincidences:

"You know I'm a lawyer. One day a man named Dodge brought in a letter of introduction from a friend out west.

He had a simple sort of case and I asked him to come back at 3 o'clock that afternoon. Then I went over to the criminal court on business that kept me till within a few minutes of 3 o'clock.

As I entered my office there was a man sitting in the shadow. Without really looking at him, and with my mind full of the appointment, I said, as I went to my private office. "How are you Mr.Dodge? I'll see you in a minute."

Pretty soon I rang and told the office boy to show in Mr. Dodge. The man came in and he wasn't my Mr.Dodge at all.

"How do you know my name?" he said and at the same time handed me a letter of introduction from a friend in down east. His name was Dodge all right, and he had a case.

I gasped at the oddity of the situation, explained the coincidence to my visitor, even showed him the other letter of introduction. But he didn't believe me. He evidently thought I was a liar, and left without putting his case in my hands.

A few minutes later in came the first Mr.Dodge and we had a good laugh over it.

More Up To Date Coincidence Stories:
Speeding Car Chase Coincidence
7:07 Is LOL Upside Down Coincidence
Five New Brooms Arrived By Coincidence


Tire Blow Out Meeting Coincidence

Tire blow out

Thanks for the following story JC.

"This happened when I was on a cross country road trip from Bellingham.

I had a tire blow out in Paducah, KY and needed to get it fixed. When I went to pay for the repair, the cashier needed my photo I.D. to verify my credit card.

The cashier stared at the license then out of the blue said: "Holy sh*t. I thought you looked familiar. We went to High School together."

The guy then explained that he'd grown up in the town next to mine, then moved to Kentucky. He made the connection because of my address and our similar ages, even though we had not seen each other for ten years since High School."

Other Coincidence Examples:
She Was Topless In Front Of Her Postman
Hard To Believe Coincidence Story From The AA
He Sees Himself On 40 Year Old Video Coincidence

There are now over 140 coincidence stories on this blog. If you have a story you would like published please use the contact button on my other blog 67 Not Out - thanks.


Telepathy Saved Her Sisters Life From An Overdose

I think today's story is much more than a coincidence. It could well be telepathy. We seem to be able to link to others at times of high emotion.

"About ten years ago, I was travelling many miles from my older sister. I'd been away for about six weeks and out of the blue, late at night felt a strange feeling of sadness and homesickness.

The feeling was strong enough to dial my sister, even at the late hour.

My sister answered and sounded tired and a little incoherent. "What's up?" I asked.

She broke down and cried telling me she had just taken an overdose of pills. I told her I would get help. I phoned our dad who lived near to my sister. He phoned an ambulance and rushed round to her house. Luckily he and the ambulance arrived in time and sis is still alive today."

~ Rosie

Other Coincidence and Synchronicity Stories:
A Whole Load Of 56 Coincidences
Comic Cover Coincidence
Date On Her Boyfriends Baby Photo Was Her Birthday


7:07 Is LOL Upside Down Coincidence

7:07 is LOL upside down clip art

Thanks JC for the following, He calls it a spooky coincidence story.

"I woke up last Saturday, nothing unusual there, looked at the bedside clock and it read 7:07. I got up and carried out my usual morning routine of showering etc. I came back to my bedroom, looked at the clock again and the clock time was actually 5:05am.

Scratching my head in puzzlement about misreading the time on the clock I went back to bed.

I went off to sleep and later woke up again and the clock said 7:07am! This time I watched the clock to make sure it was working okay, and it was.

I thought it all to be spooky. Why would I have imagined the time to have been 7:07 when I first woke? And then to have really woken at this 7:07?"

I think 'someone/thing' was having a laugh with him, as 7:07 on a digital clock is LOL.

Other Coincidence And Synchronicity Stories:
Speeding Car Chase Coincidence
Kristine's Coincidence Story Continues
Coincidence Of Double Exposure On Newspapers Front Page

There are now 140+ Coincidence and Synchronicity stories on this blog


Sold! A Rock To Keep Away Tigers

Bear Patrol Simpsons

We have a non believer amongst us! Coincidences are just chance happenings and have no meanings says Philip Carr and goes on to give me the following amusing scenario. It's from an episode of The Simpsons (Season 7, Much Apu about Nothing):

Homer: Not a bear in sight. The 'Bear Patrol' must be working like a charm.

Lisa: That’s specious reasoning, Dad.

Homer: Thank you, dear.

Lisa: By your logic I could claim that this rock keeps tigers away.

Homer: Oh, how does it work?

Lisa: It doesn’t work.

Homer: Uh-huh.

Lisa: It’s just a stupid rock. But I don’t see any tigers around, do you?

Homer: Lisa, I want to buy your rock.

Now us believers of synchronicity aren't that gullible surely!

Coincidence and Synchronicity Examples:
Bizarre Coincidence Of Her Mum's Phone Call
She Was Topless In Front Of Her Postman
Attracting Birds Coincidence


Bargain Hunt Birthday Coincidence

Bargain Hunt Coincidence Birthdays

I was watching UK BBC television and a show called Bargain Hunt. It's about two teams of two people who search for antiques to sell at auction for a profit. Both teams are given £300 to spend on the items of their choice. The winning team is the one that makes the most money.

Anyway, at the end of the show it was discovered that one member of each team had exactly the same birth date. This often happens, but then it also turned out that the remaining members of the opposing teams also had the same birthdays and, what's more, it was their birthday on the day the show was being filmed.

It would have been interesting to have found out if the two teams also had other connections as well, odds on they may have.

P.S. In any group of 23 people the odds on having two people with the same birthday is only 2 to 1 - a 50% chance. Details on Wikipedia here.

Other Coincidence and Synchronicity Stories
Afghanistan War Coincidence With The 1800s
Coincidence Of A Fly Who Made An Impression
Helen Finds Boyfriend's Buried Money By Coincidence


Unexpected Houston Astrodome Coincidence

Houston Astrodome

My thanks today to Rick Shreiner for the following coincidence story about meeting an old friend amongst a 55,000 crowd.

In 1982 I was living in Seabrook, Texas which is about a 40 minute drive south-east of the Houston Astrodome in Houston, Texas.

During the baseball season, a group of my friends and I sometimes visited the Astrodome to watch the Houston Astros play home games.

On one occasion we were a larger group than usual. I wound up making the trip up to the Astrodome with some new 'recruits' who had never been along with our group. I was to guide them to where we usually parked our cars and, in the event we became separated from the others, to assist them find the section where our group always sat.

Somehow, we got separated from the convoy of cars travelling north to the stadium, and wound up arriving after the others had already entered the stadium.

As luck would have it, I also suffered some form of 'mental block' which caused the small group I was leading to buy tickets in a section that was below and adjacent to the section where our group usually sat.

We were not able to get up to the other section so we sat in the seats for which our tickets were allotted.

After the third inning, I figured that I should make contact with the larger group who were sitting in our 'usual seats', just to let them know that we had arrived, and that we were sitting in another section. Mainly to assure them that we had not been involved in an accident or such.

I went out to the outer walkway and up to the next level, then found the double doors leading to the section where all the others were sitting. I spoke with an elderly man who was inspecting tickets and explained my situation to him, and asked if I could just go in and speak with my friends, and then I would return to my friends in the lower section.

He refused.

I pointed out to him which of the people who were seated about 40-50 feet in front of where we were standing that I wished to speak with, and told him that I would just walk down to those seats, tell them that we were at the stadium, and then come right back.

Again, he refused.

I believe I let fly a few choice swear-words, but knowing that he was not going to let me in, I just left the spot.

Now it is worth noting that the Houston Astro Dome was at the time, the first and largest domed stadium in the world, seating over 55,000 people on several levels. It's nickname was 'The 8th Wonder of The World'.

Knowing that I still needed to reach my friends to let them know what had happened to our group, I went back to the outer walk [pedestrian hallway] that goes completely around the stadium [one walkway on every level] and walked about halfway around the entire stadium on this outer walk. Then I went to another set of double-doors and found an usher there who was checking tickets.

I explained to this second man my predicament, and he let me in to the seating section which was almost exactly opposite the stadium from where my friends were sitting, and even the group that I had come with [although they were one level down].

I walked up to the railing where I could see across the stadium (I'm guessing it must have been about 470-500 feet - 160-170 meters - over to the opposite railing) and could easily see the small heads of my friends, but they did not see me, of course.

The sections on both sides of where I was standing were very sparsely filled, and so I continued walking around the stadium, this time on the inside, alongside the railing nearest the field. This railing was about 60-70 feet (20-25 meters) above the lower section below that I was traversing.

I was able to follow the railing for about two sections, and then came to two more sections which were, for reasons unknown to me, almost completely filled with spectators.

I didn't wish to squeeze between all of the spectators in those two sections, many of whom had their feet up on the railing, or were standing, and leaning on the railing, so I took the stairs up and continued around those two sections, without leaving the area 'inside' the outer walkway, for fear of not getting back in. When I had passed these two sections I walked back down the steps and up to the railing again, and saw that I was indeed, much closer now to my friends, and there were only about 5-6 sections remaining to be traversed.

As I stood at the railing, about 10 seconds after walking up to it and gazing out over the field and the magnificence of the Astro Dome, a man I had not seen, sitting directly at my right, in the first seat, in the first row, of the first open section leading to my friends, still a few hundred feet away, leaned forward and tapped me on my shoulder.

He spoke my name and seemed quite surprised to see me!

As it turns out, it was a friend that I had gone to college with, over 2000 miles away, and had not seen in about 6 years!

I did not know that he was in Houston, but he knew that I lived somewhere in the suburbs of the city, but had no way of contacting me.

He lived in Houston by himself, while his family remained in St. Louis, Missouri and he 'commuted' back and forth during the week.

He had only been doing this for about 6 weeks.

On this particular night, I believe it was a Tuesday, he decided to go to the baseball game by himself, since he was bored and thought it would liven up the boring work-week, and he figured it would be a real 'hoot' if he should bump into me at the stadium!!

Now what are the odds of this happening? It could have been any one of my friends that had accompanied this new group to the stadium and then I wouldn't have led us astray. The old man at the first door could have just let me in to inform our friends that we had arrived, and that would have been the end of it. Or, I could have chosen to walk the other way around the stadium and would never have 'bumped into' my friend.

Sometimes, looking back on this incident, I just have to wonder how great the odds were against me having walked back to the railing, within 2 feet of where a good friend I had not seen in a long time was sitting, and him thinking he might find me in a stadium that seats 55,000 spectators!!

Amazing how things work out sometimes.


I think Rick has said it all!

Other Coincidence and Synchronicity Stories:
Squashed Coca-Cola Can Brought Them Together
Stoners Close Created By A Coincidence
Speeding Car Chase Coincidence


Debby And Kathy Meet Up Again By Coincidence

They met up after 10 years

In 1975 I moved to a new kindergarten and the teacher said, "Let's see, why don't you sit next to Kathy," and I did. I was at that school for 18 months but didn't keep in contact with Kathy, who had became my friend.

Flash forward 10 years when again we moved and my first class was English. The teacher said "Why don't you sit next to Kathy," which I did.

We both stared at each other intently before it hit us - it was the same Kathy I had been sat next to 10 years before hand in primary school. We laughed about the coincidence and became friends again.

~ Deb

Other Coincidence and Synchronicity Stories:
His Birth Newspaper Found By Coincidence
Baby Cousins Coincidence
Coincidence Of The White Feathers From Her Sister
There are now over 130 coincidence stories on this blog.


A Whole Load Of 56 Coincidences

56 coincidence

A number coincidence story today from Colin.

The Number 56
"My son Tim who is 27, has been, since he was around 14, beleaguered by the number 56. It appears in his life with alarming regularity, directly and indirectly.

When my granddaughter Brooke was born just before 10am, he jokingly asked if the time was 9.56. The nurse said "No, 9.47" (but 9+47=56).

Now you may say so what, but it goes on. All the digits of his children's birthdays add up to 56!

Last summer I was waiting to board a plane at Heathrow when my son called to say good bye. Just as he said hello they announced my gate had changed to 56.

A few weeks later I was downloading a movie in the US at my wife's apartment. It had taken two days. I woke in the morning to see its progress, it was bang on 56%, not a digit more. One moment later I had an email from Tim to say my grandson had been born weighing 5lb 6oz. His birth date also completed the 56 total.

This has gone on for so long, we expect it, but we also look at times when it hasn't happened. There are obviously lots of them but most of the significant numbers in his life are 56 orientated.

I did point out to him that his wayward mother would be 56 in 2012, having been born in 1956. 2012 being significant to some panic mongers. But that is probably a coincidence.

An addendum to the last e-mail about my son Tim and his connection with the number 56. Yesterday his 4th child, my Granddaughter Harly, was born at 4.56 pm. I kid you not.

- Colin"

Colin has previously sent me stories, see The Riddle Of Epicurus Coincidence on my 67 Not Out blog - Mike